Monday, August 18, 2008

An Unparalleled Love

A poem I wrote two years ago for an English class. Inspired by Common's I Used To Love H.E.R.

I fell in love with her. I was a victim to her beauty. She stood firm by her beliefs and values, while others around her fell. I felt as if every moment I spent with her was not enough. She completed me and always made me happy. I began to understand the meaning of life with her. I loved her so much but, things quickly began to change. She began to be misinterpreted, and was too weak to her let her voice be heard. Her image was being tampered by the people that surrounded her. She was torn in two horrible extremes. Until finally one day her exploitation finally reached its peak; she was raped. She lost her soul and meaning. Her cries of pain and anguish were hidden by deceit and lies. To this day she is being exploited and abused. For you see, I wasn’t talking about a girl, I was talking about my religion, Islam.

Comments? Criticisms?

The Only Dream Worth Having

"The only dream worth having... is to dream that you will live while you're
alive and die only when you're dead... which means exactly what?'.. . To
love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get
used to the unspeakable violence and vulgar disparity of life around you.
To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never
simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect
strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand To . never
look away. And never, never to forget." -- Arundhati Roy

Definitely worth thinking about...

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A collection of fascinating pictures that I have found on the internet, these pictures are the copyright of their respective owners. I didn't want to add any captions to these pictures to preserve the effect; these pictures speak for themselves.

3) 2)

What do you guys think? Feel free to ask if you don't understand the significance of any of these pictures. I'll create another compilation soon, so make sure you subscribe to the RSS feed.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Birth of a Blog

I finally decided to jump on the Web 2.0 bandwagon and create my own blog. The decision to create my own blog came a week ago but I couldn't decide on a name. After days of careful thinking, by which I mean a frustrating twenty minutes of checking available names only to find that almost every name had been taken, I decided on "Insert Generic Name", a bit bland, but it sends a a statement. After all, why does the name of my blog even matter? It should be the content of the blog which should attract readers, not the name itself. For all it matters, I could have named my blog dfgdfnhguiohtrkfsdf, but knowing this site, that name would have also already been taken.

I don't know what sort of following this blog will have. It doesn't really matter; this blog serves as an opportunity for me to think out loud. It will be ultimately be a collection of things that I find interesting. Hopefully, you'll leave with something which you can apply into the real world. Like Tupac once said, "I don't claim I'll change the world, but hopefully I'll inspire someone who will."